Similar words: benight, benighted, in the night, opening night, florence nightingale, night, knight, nighty.
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241. The precise trigger for sexual maturation is unknown, but sometime during childhood, a grape-sized area of the brain called the hypothalamus decides one night that it's time to grow up.
242. It is certainly not possible to pay 70-plus-overdue debt in one night.
243. One of my roomie sleeptalked every night when I was a freshman in the college. One night, he said shyly: "I'm pregnant. " Faint all of us!
244. One night, a little before nine o'clock, Dr. Van Eyck answered his telephone.
245. Eric and his sister Claire have to do the dishes after dinner one night.
246. One night there was a heavy snowfall, and in the morning Pike, the malingerer , did not appear. He was securely hidden in his nest under a foot of snow.
247. Luffa water placed one night, after filtration with gauze look, plus points, glycerin and alcohol can be used.
248. One night at McChord Air Force Base in Washington, I was dispatched to check out the security fence where an alarm had gone off.
249. Small town became a town between one night, old wish came true, then, town of 3 fork river increased at a draught very, centesimal lively.
250. Let's just say it's our one night on an ocean liner.
251. Contaminate your bed, and you will one night suffocate in your own waste.
252. One night, a marble tile in a museum talked to a marble statue.
253. One night a hotel caught fire, and the people who were staying in it ran out in their nightclothes .
254. One night, after 18 months of friendship, they made love for the first and last time.
255. However, one night of mind-blowing, soul-shattering ecstasy means you'll never in your life enjoy this magical creature's gentle nuzzling. (It feels like taking a bubble bath full of giggling puppies!
256. He even pushed as far as Embrun , entered the cathedral one night[], and despoiled the sacristy.
257. Montgomery slipped two divisions across the Strait of Messina one night against no resistance.
258. One night she quietly phoned out to order a pizza thinking nobody would know, but she got caught by the fat farm manager.
259. One night Bufflehead, while on duty, accidentally interrupted a hold up of a grocery store.
260. On the way home one night, I spotted some fresh-cut roses outside a florist's shop. After selecting a dozen and entering the shop, I was greeted by a young saleswoman.
261. One night his ship, the Stork; pursued and rammed a U - boat in the darkness.
262. But one night, golden starlight poured over the first tree as a young woman placed her newborn baby in the feed box.
263. Carol: No, it's just one night, and we reserved a non - smoking room.
264. One night, after a Piranha editing session, Cameronwent to sleep with afever and dreamed that he saw a robot clawing itsway toward a coweringwoman.
265. The Krupp came for beating her at ping-pong, the Taylor-Burton because, one night, he had insulted her hands.
266. For one night, and he hopes one night only, the Special One became a mere mortal as his previously unbeaten team was cut down to size and Mourinho ran out of ideas on how to stop a rampant Barcelona.
267. "Avoid dark-alley groping and unladylike fumbling in the back of a cab," the guide says on the subject of one night stands.
267. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
268. One night Franklin and Pat drove Hillary and me over the Rio Grande to Matamoros, Mexico.
269. I can't remember any one night when I lost that ability to drift off, but by the age of seven I would regularly be pacing my room until dawn.
270. One night, my two buddies and I decided to play a trick on Sheriff Brown.
More similar words: benight, benighted, in the night, opening night, florence nightingale, night, knight, nighty, nights, all-night, nightly, at night, by night, tonight, knightly, night owl, fortnight, night sky, nightgown, nightfall, nightcap, nightmare, midnight, nighthawk, night life, nightlife, nighttime, overnight, last night, good night.